Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hiatus Explained

Good morning everyone! To anyone actually reading this, you most likely know me and already know this. In case there is a reader out there who isn't familiar with me in real life, I shall explain myself.

I started attending college this year. I enrolled in August 2009 as a Freshmen in General Studies. I am attending a local Community College. I worked extra diligently over the summer to build up a nice sized stockpile. I have given lots away from it, and I still have plenty. Last semester, I finished the term with straight A's. So far this term, I have straight A's. Succeeding academically is a very important aspect of college to me. There are also scholarships on the line to those who graduate with a certain GPA. My hard work now will pay off soon. I know this to be true.

So why am I back before the end of the semester? My food budget has gone all wonky. I am trying to rein our household budget back in. Our move has proved much more costly, than cost saving, as previously predicted. I am trying to determine if we can adjust the household budget to accomidate our new apartment or not. "Not" would mean; simply increase income or decrease outgo. Sounds easy enough, huh? To top that all off, I am trying to remain committed to graduating from college, even if just my associate's degree, without incurring any student loan debt.

So here I am, trying to decrease my outgo. I'm starting at the beginning again. I'm going to approach shopping and my budget like I was new to this. I have almost no coupon stash already built. I have no store coupons. I have no rebates pending. A nice clean slate is where I am. I am going to take my own advice from almost a year ago, and start by cleaning my kitchen. The advice still holds true, although I wish it didn't. I loathe washing dishes. Dishes are my nemesis. As I type this, I have only one sink of dishes pending. Empty and clean counters. Maybe if I can find my camera I will post a picture of my lovely clean kitchen.

So in closing, I would like to thank anyone who is reading this. Your visitation to this blog will cause me to shop better and wiser. I will be making better decisions, and eating better food. (That is another post)My budget will also thank you.

Any questions or comments? I can be reached at and at MissEspy23 on AIM (which is on my phone so I'm always available for help!!!)

I love you all and want to thank you again!

Happy Couponing,